TechXpress Pty Ltd was approached by Bendigo Health to test and deploy headphones in hospital wards to see if it would improve the amount of noise coming from patient televisions and devices.
Patients & visitors expressed frustration to Bendigo Health’s Orthopaedic Rehab. Staff relating to excessive volumes emanating from other patients bedside televisions on a daily basis. A combination of significant hearing loss experienced by a majority of the patients & volume being emitted from the rear of the televisions contributed to the excessive volumes. Staff frequently acted as mediators regarding this issue, as patients complained about sleep deprivation & lack of etiquette surrounding the television volumes. Additionally, at times staff considered the televisions a source of frustration & distraction when involved in sensitive, professional telephone conversations & when concentrating on documentation tasks.
Over Ear Headphones were selected as opposed to ear bud style as many of the patients wear hearing aids & the ear bud style can be difficult to position effectively. Single use were also chosen due to Infection control protocols.
100 % of the feedback from both patients & staff, regarding introduction of the headphones, was overwhelmingly positive. Patients & staff both remarking that Noise Pollution had reduced markedly & patients also commented on the clarity of the sound.
The ongoing use of the headphones throughout the entire ward has continued to further reduce Noise Pollution, consequently promoting an environment conducive to rest & healing for patients & a healthier work ambiance for staff.
Bendigo Health sourced headphones from an Australian wholesale supplier at a reasonable cost. (TechXpress was chosen due to quality & price).
The product can be viewed here: